Thursday, June 18, 2009

Neo Scene

I've been trying to give Cineform's Neo Scene a shot this morning. I had originally downloaded the trial a few months ago but got incredibly busy. I fired up the app anyway and attempted to do a test for the speed and it crawled to render one frame. I was then reminded that Cineform only provides a 7 (7 days, really??) trial of the software. So, okay, the performance had to be the results of an expired trial, right? I deleted the files and downloaded a new version and I still see the same speed results.

I want to assume there's some little file somewhere that tells Neo Scene to not function properly because I'm trying to get use out of it beyond it's trial. I'm hoping this is not a clue as to the speed of the app. I guess I screwed up and should have fully tested it when I initially downloaded it, but it's hard for me to want to take a risk on buying the app if I can't gauge the speed.

A commenter on here said he's found that NeoHD is a lot faster than Final Cut, but what about Neo Scene? It's quite a bit cheaper, but I was hoping that was from the source file limitations and not because of speed. If anybody has an opinion on what I might be experiencing (i.e. - the software is crippled OR that's just how slow it is) please let me know.

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